Sanhida Spa | Massage center in Nuwara Eliya

Sanhida Spa (also known as Sanhida Ayurdedic Medicare) is a massage center in Nuwara Eliya. It is located at No. 24/2, Haddon Hill Road, Nuwara Eliya. Also, you can call them on 077 5100023. New address is Sanhida Spa & Wellness Center (Pvt) Ltd, No 18/2, Upper Lake Road, Nuwara Eliya.

Sanhida Spa | Massage center in Nuwara Eliya
Sanhida Spa | Massage center in Nuwara Eliya

Sanhida Spa can offer hand massage, head massage, Ayurdedic facial, Shirodhara, foot reflexology and full body therapy. It has flower bath and steam. Also, it can serve by giving Ayurvedic medicines.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't believe there is a massage center in Nuwareliya ,so can you tell me the rate for an hour and other relevant things


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