The Blue Water Hotel Spa, Wadduwa

The Blue Water Hotel Spa is located in Wadduwa, which is 27 km away from Colombo. The hotel situated in coastal town and beach areas that can give lovely scenery while providing luxurious accommodation. Due to the water bodies around the hotel, it received the name Blue Water. It does not have natural waters only, but beautiful ponds, fountains, swimming pools and waterways too. It has luxurious spa that can offer full body massage treatments in order to rejuvenate and replenish body & soul.

The Blue Water Hotel Spa, Wadduwa
The Blue Water Hotel Spa, Wadduwa

The Blue Water Hotel Spa applies aromatic oils, herbs and spices that prepared with ancient techniques of Sri Lanka. The health and beauty remedies could awaken inner spirit through the Ayurvedic therapies. The world class spa and could deliver best service by caring each customers. Also, it offers up the ultimate tropical holiday getaway resort. You can visit at The Blue Water Hotel & Spa, Thalpitiya, Wadduwa. For reservation and more details, dial 038 2235067/8.

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