Dhanawanthari Weda Asapuwa, massage center in Ethul Kotte

Dhanawanthari Weda Asapuwa aka VIP Spa / VIP Ayurvedic Treatment Center is a massage center in Ethul Kotte / Ethulkotte. Also, it can pronounce as Dhanvanbharī Veda Asapuva. It can offer services like Ayurvedic treatment, head / foot massage, full body treatment and many more.

Dhanawanthari Weda Asapuwa
Dhanawanthari Weda Asapuwa

Dhanawanthari Weda Asapuwa is located in quiet and calm environment. It has luxury rooms. Therefore, you can access separate room, attached bath rooms and steam bath facility. The center has young and professional Ayurvedic therapists including newly recruited masseuses. For further information or service, you could visit to No. 65E, Weediya Bandara Mawatha, Ethul Kotte (Athulkotte). Also, you can call them on 071 2391333 or 011 2077047.


  1. Quiet and clean. You can enjoy a herbal cup of tea. Good service

    1. Is Happy Ending service available?

    2. Is 'subject' available? If we pay more tips..

  2. Is there 'subject'?

  3. There are young women who are wearing sarees. I like it that way


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