Sandali Wellness Centre & Spa (Pannipitiya)

Sandali Wellness Centre & Spa is located in Pannipitiya. It has normal massage services such as full body massage, Sports massage, head massage, etc. Also, it has some special massage services such as menicure and pedicure.

Sandali Wellness Centre & Spa
Sandali Wellness Centre & Spa

Sandali spa offers one hour treatment for LKR 1,000.00. For more details, call on 0779272361, 0776985884 or 0114270040. The address is No. 78, Borella Road, Depanama, Pannipitiya. 


Sports massage is a specialized form of massage. It targets the specific needs of athletes or individuals who engaged in physical activities. It focuses on preventing and treating injuries, enhancing performance, and promoting recovery. Menicure and pedicure are beauty treatments for the hands and feet, respectively. They involve trimming, shaping and buffing the nails, and exfoliating the skin and providing moisturization. These treatments also often include massages to improve blood circulation to refresh hands and feet.

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